
Tragically, the outcome of Debbie Flores-Narvaez is heart-wrenching and difficult to comprehend. Thanks to a brave soul who contacted one of the tip hotlines listed, Debbie’s remains have been discovered, recovered, and identified. As you can imagine, the family is devastated.

Here is the latest horrific news.


Due to the overwhelming response of people around the world, the intense web traffic, and the need for improved functionality, the free wordpress site had to be upgraded and the improved site is now LIVE.

Even so, this page will remain online forever because of the many beautiful comments and outpouring of love which have been shared.

From now on, please leave comments HERE.

If you have suggestions for the site, experience any technical problems, or have a missing loved one of your own, contact the tech team here.

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Debbie Flores-Narvaez Main Site

Nevada Center for Missing Loved Ones (Please visit.)




Comments on: "Comments" (188)

  1. Debbie is a beautiful girl. I’m praying for her safe return.

    • Would you still pray for her return if she wasnt pretty?

      • What makes you think that person was referring to physical beauty?

      • you have issues. this poor family is suffering from the loss of their family member & all you care about is starting drama on they’re page for her. go seek some professional care, ASAP!

      • Lakisha Gaither said:

        I will always pray for her safe return until she comes home and not becasue of her looks but becasue she is a childhood friend and is loved and missed by many who will continue to pray for her safe return.

      • I think looks should never be an issue. When a parent has a child missing it is their deepest concern that something could have happened to them. I have two daughters and I cannot image how the family feels. She was very beautiful and God blessed her with the beauty she has. There are so many evil people in this world that do mean things like this and they probably never consider the looks – only to do evil!!! I think the “boyfriend” should be checked out completely. He does not seem upset at all because of her disappearance. He has that cocky look on his photo. He was so lucky for her to ever look at him. We need to continue to pray for the safe return of this young woman and for her mother and other family members. America needs to crack down on the men and women who commit these crimes. Do to them what they do to the ones they abduct or hurt!

    • Celeste Flores Narvaez said:


      • Charles Pullen said:

        I just saw you on msmbc crying and I don’t normally cry but it brought me to tears to see you in pain. I will pray for your sister until she come home and for your peace of mind,and what ever you do don’t lose faith because God will take care of her no matter what! God Bless you and your family.

      • Javi Martinez said:

        Our prayers are with you and your family.

        Proud Puertoricans from New Jersey

      • Sean McDonagh said:

        Im Sean and a Staff Seargeant here at Nellis Air Force Base here in Vegas. I want to help. I have a few ideas on search parties and could probably rally a lot of help from our troops. Please email me at and we can chat. Good luck n hope to hear from ya soon.

        Sean McDonagh

      • Yes the Lord hears our prayers! We pray that she is found.
        It is scary to have a daughter, sister, best friend or anyone that one cares about missing.
        May the Lord Give strength to the family and friends of Debbie.
        ” Confia en el senor”

      • Celeste, God bless your family during this sad and difficult time. What a beautiful person your sister seemed to be both inside and out.

    • praying for her safe return.

  2. Please lord, let Debbie be safe! We miss and love you gurly!!!

  3. I pray that they find this beautiful girl, and bring her back to her parents.

  4. andre garland said:

    debbie we are all praying for your safe return!

  5. The Good Lord still needs DeBBie to share all she has to offer to the world!

  6. Dianna Goins said:

    Debbie we are all praying for your safe return!

  7. Chrissy Stary said:

    Praying for you and your family! Hoping and praying that you will be returned to them safe and sound.

  8. Madeline Pagan said:

    Debbie, I know you belong to a loving family who wants you to return no matter what! Please Lord have mercy, please bring her back before the year ends… Deborah, we are praying for you and for whoever is the cause for you disappearing…

  9. Kimberly Baker said:

    I’ve been following Debbie’s story since I saw it on Nancy Grace. I’m praying for Debbie’s safe return. She’s an amazing, beautiful, talented woman. Her sister Celeste is just as beautiful, amazing and a true warrior, such a courageous sister to put all of her time in finding her baby sister. I also pray that Celeste is able to get some rest and that God strengthens her & surrounds her & Debbie with his presence…<3

  10. Peter Grave said:

    Please Come Home Safely Debbie. My Prays Are With You……………………

  11. mary crawford said:

    Come home safe! We in your home town a praying that you are safe. Also that you come home. I wish I could help your family some way!

  12. Hey Debbie … I’ve been thinking about you and praying for your family. We can’t wait for you to come home. Everyone is missing you. I know that God is with you where ever you are and I know that he will lead you back to your family soon. This is painful but one thing it has brought is some closeness to the family. I promise to alway keep intouch wil my family from now on.
    I ask you to continue to keep my cousin safe and bring her home. Give my family stregnth to continue to search for her and be there for one another. Sorry Lord that I took for granted my family but Lord threw all this you’ve opned my eyes and shown me how important it is to always keep in contact with my family. Put peace in all their hearts and mind. In Jesus name
    Rebecca Avila Runderburk

  13. You’re in my heart and prayers, Deb. I miss our conversations, Loca, and Im sorry we lost touch. Please be well.

  14. Te acompano en tu dolor se que estos momentos
    Son muy terrible te entiendo bastante
    Ya que he pasado situaciones similares
    Hace muy poco tiempo,hay que tener mucha fee
    Y pedirle a dios fuerzas y voluntad para seguir
    Hacia adelante sabes en este rincon del mundo
    Tienes un gran AMIGO que TQM gracias por
    Ser mi amiga te cuida mucho te comunica
    Conmigo en cuanto puedas;monchy/el AGUILA/.

  15. anthony maniaci said:

    Although I didn’t know debbie, just by reading the comments I know she is an amazing person. I’ve been following the case ever since I seen it on nancy grace. I pray she will return to her loving family as-well as her vegas family.

    Celeste your are an amazing woman, Stay strong.

    Much Much love

    • Celeste Flores Narvaez said:


  16. Celeste Flores Narvaez said:

    To my only little pain in the butt sister but stubborn like her only big sister, Debbie. I love you, know that Ill always be there for you and will do anything for you. Ill find you and bring you home at any cost, ill walk the four corners of the world in search of you until you come back home. My heart skips a beat and isnt complete without you. My lungs cant breath as they used too, knowing that you are the air that they need. So hold my beat and air until I bring you home for me to be whole again, I love you! Te amo mucho con todo mi corazon y alma!

    • well put Ms Celeste. my prayers with you and your family.

    • I have two beautiful girls the Lord has Blessed me with. You are in my heart and prayers. I also have lost a child. There is nothing like this pain we endure. Everything happens for a reason in which we have no control or understanding. It is hard but be strong and stay focused, the Lord will give you signs when you least expect them. The Lord will help your family through this. The Lord has a plan and we will all be together soon. The person that did this will pay if not by law, he will face the Lord one day. Love and Prayers to you and your family.

  17. I am praying that Ms Debbie will come home soon safe & sound.

  18. Vanny Celis said:

    OMG Celeste… what u wrote made me cry. I will pray to the Lord so she can go back home safely to you. Que Dios te cuida y proteja Debbie.

    • Celeste Flores Narvaez said:


  19. I cried too when I read Celeste’s words. And to the other family members & friends leaving comments – I feel your love for Debbie and it is moves me to epic proportions.

  20. I am still in shock over Debbie’s disappearance. Me and my family are praying everyday for her safe return home to her family & friends. Debbie is very talented and such a beautiful person that’s why she’s loved by so many of us!

  21. My thoughts and prayers go out to Debbie and her family. I pray that Debbie is safe and returns home very soon. There are so many friends and family that love Debbie and really want her home very soon. To Celeste and family — continue to stay strong and know that your love will bring her home.

  22. Sheena Norris said:

    Come back home please!!!!!!! We all need you back! The world isn’t complete without you! We love you so much!!!

  23. Debbie I pray to God everyday that you are safe and ask him to watch over you…..Please return home safe to your family.

  24. Good luck in your search! Please everyone post this on your facebook pages. Thank you.

  25. brain mach said:

    My heart and my love and my prayors are with you and your family . i see the pain in your heart i see the anguish you go through . i see that you never give up on searching for your sister . i see the love you have . our hearts are so full of love . from gods love to you sweety i hope and pray you will find your sister with gods love brian

  26. Yolanda Jones said:

    Praying for your safe return to your family and friends!

  27. Nick Fievel Jones said:

    Still hittin hard. All these reports and stuff bout chu babygirl is still unbelievable. Its crazy to take in. It wasnt even long ago that we were talking and checking up on one another. I dont know how things got from that to whats goin on now so fast. You gotta be out there somewhere I refuse to believe otherwise. You never struck me as the type of person would let somebody do all this crazy shit Im reading about. Ive always thought that you was one who handled your own, so thats why all this just leaves me confused. God gotcha back where ever you are, Just want him to guide you home. Love you Deb.

  28. Praying for your safe return!!

  29. Amanda Gebers said:

    Our family continues to pray for your safe return. We’ve shared many laughs together & I always smile when I think of you. God bless!

  30. hi I think the flyer should have pictures off her less made up to show how she mite look without makeup. that mite be helpful to show what she would really look like. good luck, keeping u in prayers

  31. My thoughts and prayers go out to Debbie and family for a safe return home…

  32. Hey Debbie,
    Every morning I wake up you’re in my thoughts and so are your family. Throughout the day all this bombards my head. Thinking about you has brought back some childhood memories. I recall when you all lived in Puerto Rico in the apartment. Your family lived very high and when I’d stand on the balcony everything below was so tiny. I also recall one time we went to pick you and celeste up from school and you two had on your blue uniforms and white shirts underneath it. Back then you and your sister spoke only Spanish whereas my brother and I spoke only English but somehow we managed to communicate to one another. Wherever you are I know God is with you. May the keep you safe until you return home. God bless you Debbie. God bless your sister, mother, and so forth. I’m going to continue to pray till all this is over.

  33. Maryah amontoya said:

    Debbie I am truly blessed to have had friendship with you back here in Maryland. The laughter we have shared brings a smile to my face. Or when you would yell at Celeste and I for doing things we shouldn’t have been doing makes me laugh. I continue to pray for you.LORD…PLEASE GUIDE DEBBIE BACK HOME TO HER FAMILY AND GIVE THEM STRENGTH THROUGH THIS TIME.

  34. James Ashton said:

    I am still shocked that this is happening. Debbie may you come home quick and safely. God is good and he will guide you home to your family girl!

  35. We will NOT give up!!! Our prayers will NEVER stop 4u Debbie. Celeste, pray hard babygirl, pray hard!! We all luv u sooo much and are right here with u!! U are NOT alone at all!!! I Will put up asdmany flyers as possible. Anything for a good old friend!! Luv you!!! Come home Debbie,PLEASE LORD, where is she. Please revile where she is 2 us!!! PLEASE!!!!!!

  36. Erica Pineiro said:

    I hope God protects you and brings you home. You are a good person and didnt deserve what you have been through miss u girl…we miss u in Baltimore!!! I pray angels are surrounding you and keeping you safe. love u mama…

    • Celeste ten Fe en dios que el es el unico mamita, yo estoy orando mucho por uds y voy a printing flyer para ponerlos con mis amistades ,yo tengo mucha fe que pronto regresara a casa….

  37. Celeste, Your sister’s disappearance caught my attention as I am a Flores too. I am so sorry you are going through this and I pray for Debbie, you and your family everyday. Your strength through this is amazing. You have to be getting it from the love for her and God. Your love for your sister is clear. I will continue to pray for all of you. To continue to give you strength and most of all bring Debbie back to your family. Thank you for keeping us posted on any news. I can’t even imagine how you do it. You are in my thoughts, Take care.

  38. *Come home safe Debbie* ily chika!


    Debbie is a dear friend of mine. I can only pray to god that she comes home safe. I try to remeber not to question him but it gets hard when one of my girls has left the circle without an answer. We all miss you and love you very much Debbie. I cannot wait to see you dance again. Please come home safe! XOXOXO

  40. Debbie Blowers said:

    Debbie we will pray for your safe return.

  41. I hope you find your sister soon-stay strong and know that people do care.

  42. Celeste,

    I am just heartbroken over this. I hope you find your sister soon and I pray for her safe return. I cannot even imagine what you are going through. I read that your job fired you over coming here to Vegas. That is just sickening.

  43. My prayer has been to bring Debbie home safe and also bring some comfort to all that love and care about her. BELIEVE!

  44. My prayer is to bring Debbie home safe and also for God to bring some comfort to the family and others who love and care about her…..BELIEVE!

  45. Cedrick and Candace Fowler said:

    Our thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. We pray for you guys every night. Celeste, we have been watching you on t.v. and I am so proud of how strong and dedicated you are. Wish we could all come out and help. Your sleepless nights are not in vain. We’ve been thinking about our Hidden Village days! Debbie we just saw you with Marcus right befor e you went to Vegas. You were as happy as ever. We cant wait to see you again. Celeste,Stay strong, WE LOVE YOU!

  46. Hi Debbie, eventhough I have never you, you are in my heart. I have a 31 yr old daugter and I could not imagine her missing from my life. We pray for your safe return.

  47. I hope that police are looking into johns that blu had hooked her up with. Would explain the text to contact blu if something ever happened. Prayers for debbie and family.

    • Celeste Flores Narvaez said:

      I dont know who you are but obviously you dont have the correct information about my sister Debbie. She was not a hooker or prostitute or a call girl. She was a Highly educated woman with 3 degrees and an MBA. She left her business career to follow her dream of dancing, Professionally just as a ballerina or contemporary dancer etc.! Please before you make ignorant comment in regards to my beautiful, educated and professional sister learn your facts!

    • Celeste who is this in reply to?

  48. Debbie, Celeste, & family- My heart is aching for you. I wish I could offer more than my thoughts and prayers. Stay strong. With Love, Tracy

  49. jessica bowman said:

    Praying for debbies safe return I remember her from school and I will see if I can get her on our prayer chain for her to be found

  50. Celeste, I so pray that you guys find Debbie safe and sound! Debbie and I worked together and established a friendship. She expressed even then how much her family meant to her and she would never do something like this especially, at this time of the year. It was this time of year that she and I became close because she really wanted to go home to Puerto Rico to visit and she unfortunately didnt have leave accumulated and our employer would not allow her to go on paid leave, I tried to get her leave donations and it wasnt allowed. I said all of that to say YOU and YOUR FAMILY are important to her and I dont think she would not put you through this anguish willingly. YOU ALL ARE IN MY PRAYERS!

  51. I am praying Debbie is found safe!!! Celeste rezale al Divino Nino Jesus, el es muy milagroso

  52. This is sad even for those who don’t know Debbie personally, Celeste I have watched you on Nancy Grace and it broke my heart, I have 5 sisters, I’m the oldest and I couldn’t even imagine what you and your family are going through. We’re all praying for her safe return. Gob Bless.

  53. This story has touched alot of people, even those of us who don’t know Debbie personally, Celeste I have watched you on Nancy Grace and it broke my heart. I have 5 younger sisters and I couldn’t even imagine what you’re going through. I hope she comes home safe very soon. God Bless!

  54. Brock Brooks said:

    My family and myself are praying for your safe and speedy return Debbie. My parents notified me of your disappearence before I even knew myself, saying “that pretty young lady that you went to prom with is all over the news”. Celest I know that words can not express what you must be feeling and despite it all you still show the courage and strength to stand for your sis which is a feat in itself. You deserve the medal of honor after her return. You both will have fought and won a test of wills.

  55. Still praying for you and your family…..

  56. Rachel Baylor said:

    Sometimes in our lives we are touched and affected by certain stories on the news. This story has been one of those stories to me, I have been so sad for Debbie and her entire family, as a mother and sister, I cannot imagine going day to day not knowing the whereabouts or fate of your own child or sister. It breaks my heart. No one deserves to have to live through this nightmare. As I look for any updates every single day, I hope and pray for her safe return with a simple explaination for her disappearence. I pray that she comes home soon, and unharmed. Celeste I am not sure what anyone can do to help or bring you comfort or to your family but, if you need anything at all that I may be able to provide, please reach out. My heart, love and prayers are with you all and especially with Debbie where ever you may be sweetheart. Love and Concern from Denver Colorado.

  57. I am sorry to hear about your loss but God is a God of Wonder. Keep up on the prayer and faith, it is amazing what he can do. have you heard anything new from the cops and what about the ex-boyfriend?

  58. Robert Pena said:

    Celeste….I am so sorry to hear about your sister. It is truly a sad story and I am confident we will find her safe and sound. I will be in town Jan 9 and would like to help out in any way I can.

  59. Robert Pena said:

    Not sure what your lodging arrangements are, but I would like to donate my MGM Signature Condo for you to stay at while in town. It would be my pleasure.

    • Celeste Flores Narvaez said:

      wow that is really thoughtful of you i might have to take you up on that for a couple of days. it has been extremly hard for me to stay at her house, in her room, surrounded by her things and thiughts but not her. Please call me my info is easy to find in facebook, God bless you

  60. you deserve a huge hug celeste for what you are doing to find your preciouse sister so here it is a very huge hug from everyome here you deserve it sweety you really do may god be with you and let him guide you every step of the way foot prints really is true brian lee mach

  61. Prayers are with Debbie and her family. May God be with her at all times and guide her back home safely.

  62. I, like so many others, feel almost obsessed with checking to see if Debbie has been found daily. I find myself checking numberous times a day. Sometimes I just cry because I KNOW her and I know her spirit and I know how sweet she is. I pray EVERY night and day that she returns safe. Debbie please find a way to come back safe, you have a lot of people near and far concerned about you and love you. Celeste I am praying for you all.

  63. Richard Mason said:

    Hey Celeste, this is Rich Mason, I didn’t hear about Debbie until last week. I was living in Las Vegas until November, I didn’t know she was there. I have some friends that still live there and if you need anything, let me know. Email me at and I’ll give you my number.

  64. I don’t know you but It takes courage to have hope, and god has given you couarge stay strong, And I am praying for Debbie safe return home! I am praying for you Celeste too. I have a younger sister too that I love and would shake this earth and until I found her! so stay strong and determined! with god’s help you will find her!

  65. Celeste, I have seen every interview you’ve done and it’s horrible what is happening. However it seems that you are seeking refuge in the right place, God. Remember always that he is the one who see’s and hears all, God is the only one that will be able to heal all our hurt and pain. I don’t know Debbie personally but have followed the story since the beginning and plan on continuing to do so until she is back home safe and sound. Please remember that God is never at fault for the tragedies we face, but the one to open the door to allow us to heal. In other words after all is said and done and Debbie is with you again, remember to thank god. Many prayers are being said for Debbie and may they all continue.

  66. I included Debbie on my blog and Facebook page. Praying for her safe return and your family’s peace of mind.

  67. shannon briones strong said:

    Celeste- I’m thinking of you. May God continue to bless you and keep you strong. Debbie is always on my mind and I pray for her to come home. We will not give up hope.

  68. Your sisters vehicle was found blocks from my home. Since school has been out I’ve have lots of free time. Handing out flyers is the least I could do. I do not know you and your family personally but my heart and support is with you to the fullest. I know Debbie will come home safely and I know someone out there knows something. God bless you and your family.

  69. Darcel Jackson said:

    Debbie was an old friend that I lost touch with some years ago. I pray for her safe return very soon. My prayers also go out to you Celeste and the family, that you stay strong during this hard time. May God keep you strong, encouraged and with constant faith, that he will bring her back to you safely.



  71. JetRanger here from Kansas City, Missouri – I just donated to you thru PAYPAL ,,also sernt you a message to your EMail address about the above web site , You should contact Annie Lobert, She might be able to help you too, shes a very nice person ! Shes in Vegas too, and runs a Speciality type business that helps women out. See above web link for more info. Hope you find your Sister, and everything is OK,, Will be praying for you !! Stay Safe , be careful too !! Keep your chin up !

  72. Sheena Norris said:

    You are an amazingly strong woman! My prayers are with you nonstop, and I truly hope Debbie is found safely! I’ve been spreading words on my own FB page trying to get anyone and everyone to help to spread the word and in hopes of finding Debbie quickly!

    Since the first day I met you in Baltimore (in 2005-2006), we had the greatest time! You were an awesome person and still are! You are fearless and have the strength to fight through anything and I know you will fight through this too! We are waiting for you to come back home! Don’t take too long! The world needs your zest, your smile, your spirit, and your energy! After all, you are the Debbie Energizer Bunny!! LOL! I love you and miss you so much and am PRAYING for your return nonstop!! I’m praying for your family to stay strong and praying that you return into their arms!

  73. Alaysia Milton said:

    Debbie…I continue to think about you daily and pray for you to be brought home safely to those who love you. I think about all of the laughs and smiles we’ve shared since middle school. My family and I continue to pray for you and your family. Celeste, you are a strong woman and wonderful sister…I continue to pray for the lord to give you and your family strength thru these difficult times. Keeping you lifted in prayer…God Bless.

  74. Celeste,
    I pray for God to give you the strength to get through this. May God comfort you and all your family during this most difficult time and bring your beautiful sister home safely. All things are possible with Christ who strengthens us.Phil 4:13 Lord you say to ask and you shall receive O’ Lord hear my cry please bring Debbie home safely through Your mighty right hand in Jesus name I ask this. Amen

  75. Sheila ( Canada ) said:

    St. Anthony is the Patron Saint associated with the return of lost articles and missing persons. I will pray to him for the safe return of your loved one. Always have faith and hope…without it there is nothing.
    Much love to your family, you have the world behind you in your search.

  76. As a licensed P.I. I can only add that most of these abductions are not random. In a high percentage of these type cases, the abducted knows her abductor. Hopefully, the police are tracing any and all contacts she may have had. Unfortunately, these kinds of cases are occurring much to often. Please any women reading this, take every precaution at all times. In states where handguns are legal, get one. Where they are not, always carry something you can use as a weapon. Don’t think it can never happen to you. I will continue to pray for Debbie’s safe and quick return.

  77. I did not know Debbie, but I am praying for her safe return. Celeste I have seen you on several interviews I admire you for persevering in your search for answers. There is a special closeness between sisters. I pray Debbie will be found safe soon!

  78. Nick grant said:

    Celeste, I pray that you will find your sister asap and know
    that she is so fortunate to have a sister that loves her
    so much!! The depth of your love for her is so moving
    and inspiring for all of us and I wish that I could bring her
    back to you right now. You have unwavering support of
    so many and we will be thinking uplifting positive thoughts of you both together until you are reunited again. Please
    accept my prayers and emotional support.


  79. The #1 crime fighting website in Puerto Rico with over 1 million visits per month just posted this website they really want to help xposed magazine news has been following this from Puerto Rico.


  81. Pablo Jamalani said:

    Hopefulyl she will be found alive soon. This is so sad and troubling. baby looking so good too mmmmm


  83. I pray for Debbies safe return to her family and friends…stay positive celeste. Your friend in North Carolina

  84. those people of xposed magazine just want to be spammers to gain visits to their website what a shame..

    anyways the hackers comunity here to show support to the family, and to the friends of debbie, we all pray for her and in our comunity, we are in complete support with ya.

    God Bless her

  85. cliff jordan said:

    Celeste can you please check the donation setup at paypal I’m having problem donating to fund .Paypal resetting everytime I try to login to complete donation.

    Cliff Jordan

  86. im having the same problem :)

  87. btw i figure it out maybe is a browser problem because im using firefox with no script enabled..

    then i log in with chrome an wuala its works

  88. Celeste,

    My firm is newly appointed to market the apartments at the ONYX for rent, and we are absolutely devastated over Debbie’s disappearance. I have hyperlinked this website to ours, which carries a massive amount of traffic. Our site is national and local in scope and will I hope get the word out. Please don’t hesitate to email me or call if you need anything or we can somehow be of assistance.

  89. Dear Celeste, I am praying for God to continue to give you strength everyday. Also for your family. I haven’t seen much news coverage lately. There is so much horror going on. It has to be so hard for you to do interviews, but so important to keep this story alive. I wrote on NG’s website & FB to continue to cover Debbie’s story. Your strength gives everyone else hope and strength too. Debbie is lucky to have a sister like you. My heart aches for you. Please take care of yourself during this agonizing time.
    Siempre, Ruby

  90. Hello from Germany.

    I hope that debbie ist alive!!!
    I pray for that!

    I hope you can take her in your arms soon!

    God bless you and your family!


  91. celeste,
    I sincerley pray for you and your family to bring your sister back into your life where she belongs. I admire everything you are doing and have done in regards to finding her. Keep the faith and dont ever stop climbing the mountain even if you think your climbling in sand. Keep fighting hunni and Keep your head up!
    my deepest sympathy….

  92. Celeste! I have been following Debbie’s story since day one and have been praying and checking if there is any new news everyday! I sent you an email on facebook about a week ago. I just feel so connected to you and your family! we are also proud Puerto Ricans and I know how close me and my sisters are and i am the baby of my family..i can’t even imagine celeste.

    I am planning on printing out the flyers and putting them up here in Los Angeles where I live.
    maybe just maybe someone knows something.

    my deepest sympathy

  93. I pray that your family will find her alive very soon. All my Sympathy is with you all. Will you have the poiwer to go through this heavy time.

    God bless you all.

  94. Rob Moadely said:

    this is such a sad story. i hope your family gets closure on this soon.

    i think you should clarify the DONATE button with a sentence or two on what the donated money is for. it may help generate funds if people knew where their donation was going.

  95. I just want to say “thank you” on behalf of the family and I again for all the support. To all those that were able to help Celeste pass out flyers thanks for taking your personal time to help her get that done. Stay safe and God bless

  96. Debbie—we miss you sweetie! Praying everyday that you’re safe…

  97. I wake up through out the night and in the morning hoping for a text saying that Debbie has been found. It saddens me to know another day has gone and still no news from Debbies. Continue to stay strong Celeste and to all your family. God loves you! By his grace you are able to get up and continue spreading the word about your little sister. I’ll continue to pray and spread the word on this end.

  98. Our family prays for her safe return. Are any search parties being formed for the Las Vegas area? Please contact, if so. Much good luck in finding your sister.

  99. H L Lopez said:

    I can feel the fear and anguish in every interview you have done since Debbie went missing. As an older sister myself, I cannot imagine what you are going through. GOD BLESS you, your mother, your babies, and all that know Debbie. I am praying and hoping for the best, Celeste.

    ~ La familia Lopez de Los Angeles

  100. My heart goes out to you and your family…….god bless you all……

  101. Karenly Narvaez-Torres said:

    I am very sorry to hear about your sister. I am a Narvaez as well from Puerto Rico, could not help but wonder if there is any relation between our families. I hope Debbie is found safe. I have a sister as well and can not imagine how hard this must be for you. I will keep her in our prayers. Keep hoping for the best. GOD BLESS YOU & YOUR FAMILY!

  102. JetRanger here : I just made the Sister Celeste a “SPECIAL” YOU TUBE Video, about her Sister with all kinds of links, photos, phone numbers etc. Go have a look at it,,, and hope more may be able to Donate to help her find her Sister ! God Bless her, shes one courageous strong woman,,,with Guts and Bravery ~!!! Also heres the YOU TUBE Video Link —–}

  103. The Boricua community here in Chicago prays for Debbies safe return. Celeste be strong and keep the faith your sister will be home soon. I hope she’s safe as far as the haters are concerned it’s a damn shame to come on here and throw jabs at someone who’s missing deal with your jealousy & issues somewhere else this site is for well wishers and people who care for what ever you wish upon this family God will multiply this upon yours….

  104. Praying…let’s ALL continue our vigilant prayers as nothing can be done without GOD’s help…to whomever took Debbie…please, please return her to her loved one’s…it’s been too long already…

  105. Debbie and the family are in all of my families prayers…I hope that she returns unharmed and safe. As for what people are saying about her looks, yes she is a beautiful woman, but any missing person is important and all cases should be treated the same. I don’t think this is about her looks, I think this is about a family who loves their sister, daughter etc. and would love to find her safe. So please people stop with the horrible comments out of respect!

  106. Adrian Trevino said:

    God Bless the family and may she return safely! Keep her in your prayers.

  107. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Since you were on Nancy Grace I find myself going online daily with the hope that you have found your Deborah. My heart breaks knowing you are dealing with such pain. May God Bless you and bring her to you sweetie.

  108. To Debbies Family

    Im all the way in Brazil and saw Debbies story online….I dont have a sister but do have a brother and cant even imagine how my life would be without him …. when I stop and think what you all are going through and I get very heart broken ….
    All I can say is Debbie is in my prayers constantly..I pray the Lord will bring her home safely…. and give you all strength in this difficult time ….
    Força Sempre …

    Beijos do Brasil …

  109. Hey Debbie … We are all here still waiting for your return. My son came home asking about you. He said you were on his mind while he was at school and he couldn’t concentrate. Lot’s of people are praying for you and we’ll continue to pray until we see you again. God bless … we love you.

  110. Lord, only you know where Debbie is… Continue to protect and guide her way home. In your name and with all the faith in you, Amen!

  111. A horse walks up to debbie at a bar, and says, “why the long face?” .:rimshot:.

  112. GOD, we continue our prayers for Debbie and her family…

  113. Mandy Johnson said:

    Debbie was educated in our county school system, was a stellar student, gifted, accomplished, well known and much loved. While we never met, we have mutual connections, friends of hers who are the children of friends of mine, some like me are involved in research, criminal justice and law enforcement. With that in mind I am urging anyone who knew her in Vegas or at Law School in Maryland to recall conversations, comments, about stalkers, fears, apprehensions she may have had about fans. This was a beautiful, successful young woman doing what she loved and gave up a successful career for. Yet she has disappeared at a pivotal career point vanishing without a trace and it would seem the trail is very cold. If you are in Vegas, copy the poster and post it everywhere you can. Put her poster info on your social network page, contact the police in Vegas with any useful information. Keep the investigation alive by high public visibility. Contact or call your local Fox News Network or Nancy Grace’s show requesting follow up. Do not let her become a statistic in Vegas. 200 people disappear in Vegas each month and while many return home – Do not let them forget about Debbie!!!

  114. i just want to say that ever since i read the article about debbie ive been following up everyday to hopefully read that she was found safe and is now with her and my sister are also about a year apart and i can only imagine the pain of wondering where she is it has to be extremely difficult to deal also a mother so it has to be like a part of you is missing :/ wow i am truely praying for her return soon and safely..May God Bless You And The Family, I Will continue to pray for her ..
    The Following Is A Beautiful Prayer For Her Family And Friends….

    Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity
    to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can;
    and wisdom to know the difference.
    Living one day at a time;
    Enjoying one moment at a time;
    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
    Taking, as He did, this sinful world
    as it is, not as I would have it;
    Trusting that He will make all things right
    if I surrender to His Will;
    That I may be reasonably happy in this life
    and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

  115. I am praying for your family. I have followed the story and hope that you have a happy ending.

  116. I am so sorry it must end like this .She is in a place with no more pain she makes a very beautiful angel.And Blu will pay for this now and on judgment day ….RIP Debbie

  117. Richard Mason said:

    I’m so sorry Celeste, I will pray for you and your family.

  118. Alaysia Milton said:

    My heart aches for you Celeste and the rest of your family. My family and I will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers as you deal with this pain. God Bless.

  119. cliff jordan said:

    Celeste I know this is not the out come you prayed for but remember God take his angels on his schedule not ours as far as the situation with Blu is concerned may that filty piece of trash burn in hell.

    I wish I could have just a few minutes with that filty scumbad to simply rip his f’ing head off!!!

  120. Celeste, I have known Debbie since we both lived in VA/MD. She continues to be a beautiful energy! Regardless of this terrible end to her mortal being, energy is never destroyed! She’ll continue to bring happiness and smiles from such a better astral level now. Her devotion to God has undoubtedly landed her a sweet place next to our Lord! God bless you and your family. Be strong and live as she would want you to…spread more love..don’t hang onto hate even for her murder. Love as she did! Prayers to u all

  121. Hi,

    I have been following your story with strong hope that Debbie would be found safe and alive. I found out today that is not true and I want to say that I am so very sorry for your loss.

    This is a tragedy. An absolute tragedy. My heart goes out to you. Stay strong.


    Go-Go Rach

  122. I am very sorry for your loss. I too lost my sister (thought not in the same set of circumstances) I know how much it hurts. I was SO hoping that Debbie would be returned safe and sound. I know you will be able to get through this terrible loss as you are a very strong person. Prayers to you and the rest of your family and the friends. So sad.

  123. I am terribly sorry to see the outcome of this. I was praying for her safe return. Karma will prevail and I hope that bastard gets what he deserves in prison. Again, I am sorry for your loss. The world lost a very special person way before her time.

  124. I just read the sad news. Yo nunca la conoci y supe de Debbie por su desaparicion. It makes me sad to see that her life and dreams ended that way. I’m a dreamer and just like her, I love dancing. Mi mas sentido pesame para toda su familia y para todos sus amigos. A pesar de que tenia ya muchas semanas desaparecida, siempre decie que estuviera viva. At least they found her, and you guys will have a place to go and talk to her and a place to take her her favorite flowers. <3

  125. My Prayers go Out to All of Debbie’s Family !

    I am truly SAD ! ! !

    It was a Pleasure to work with her !

  126. I am so sorry to hear the news of your sister. My thoughts and prayers are with your family during this time. Always know that your sister lives forever with the wonderful memories.

  127. Debbie, I will miss u. My prayers are with you and your family. I Love You

  128. I’m sad and sickened by the news this morning. I want to send my sincerest condolences to the family of this beautiful young woman. It must be devastating. I pray that you all may find peace one day.

  129. My heart goes out to Celeste and her family! Your family has been and will continue to be in my prayers! May Deborah rest in peace now and watch over her loving family from the heavens above! I am dealing with someone that I love who is in an abusive relationship and I just pray that this opens her eyes along with anyone else that has to deal with abuse on a daily basis!

  130. I’m so sorry to hear the end result. I went to Old Mill with Debbie, but I do remember her spunkiness. She was very friendly and outgoing. I am currently in Vegas so if there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to ask! This tragedy has hit me in many, many ways. <3

  131. I am so sorry for this family. I lost my sister recently and know to well the pain you are in. If there is anything I can do to help just ask and I will be there for your family.


  132. cliff jordan said:

    Im just out of words for the anger and disgust I feel from hearing about the horrific elements of this crime..I know that you suppose to leave these matters in the the hands of God and the law but if I could get my hands on this low down piece of trash I would deal him the same hand he dealt Deborah..every moment this piece of trash breaths is a travsesty of justice….I want this son of a bitch gone no remorse!!!!

  133. I would like to give my deep condolences, My heart goes out to you’re family., I can not believe he would go to this extreme. I am at awwe,and numb with what has happened. NO one deserves this, and to hear that some one made you do this or drove you to this; Well it is just a cowardly thing to say. No one deserves this, I will pray for your family May Debbie rest in piece.

  134. I think the coments made by Celeste in the courtroom should be applauded. Where we afraid of hurting his feelings? I think they should have not pulled her from the courtroom. I think a spineless slug like that should be made to squirm and that she should have been let speak her mind. My hat goes off to you Celeste as well as my prayers for you and your family.

  135. Applause Celeste !!! I just unleashed a Fit of Rage on that Pathetic Degenerates Secret You Tube Page, that apparently very few people knows he had, aside from the one thats been posted. Theres like 4 or 5 videos of this Degenerate Worthless Scum up on there, few as far back as 2007. Anyway, if anybody else would like to Join me, and do the same, since theres no way for him to delete them now that he’s permanently locked up,, just let me know, and I’d be happy to guide you right to it – better yet I’ll give it to you right now, be vulgar, very vulgar !! The Secret YOU TUBE Channel is – “BluReign21” – Burn in Hell you rotton worthless Degenerate Bastard !

  136. Celeste!! en estos momentos no hay palabras para aliviar un dolor,y decir cuanto lo sentimos.Desde tu isla Puert Rico se ha seguido el caso desde que desaparecio,la isla esta muy sentida por la perdida de tan talenso chica.Es increible que alguien sea capaz de hacer algo tan monstruoso.En ocacciones me encuentro hablando con personas desconocidas y hablan del tema y demuestran dolor al escuchar todo lo sucedido.Solo quiero que sepan que su pequena isla le da su mas sentido pesame.Esperamos en Dios que los ayude a sanar.Mucha fortaleza para ustedes

  137. Cliff Jordan said:

    “BlueReign21″…..I would like have my finger on the trigger and have 21 hollow-points reigning down on this trash…As a father Im filled with rage at the brutailty Debbie endured..I want to pummel this SOB til his head explodes!!!..”No remorse”

    • JetRanger said:

      Cliff : 100% with ya on that, But Cliff, I’m afraid, we’d have to stand in a Long line, and we’d miss our chance, thats the badd part, at this junctiure, I’d be delighted in just watching ! Thanks for your keen eye to my post above , too, glad you noticed , what I was getting at, I assume you’ve seen my response on the above, as I left plenty of my feelings and vengence all over the place, on there !! Again, thanks for your Support on this one – !! The JetRanger ! Former Member of “Operation Iraqi Freedom” (O.I.F.) , 2003 / 2004 !

      • cliff jordan said:

        JetRanger..I’m so sorry for the slow reply….I can’t thank you enough for keeping us informed and centered in a situation that is a post-card for vengence..I want this son of a bitch to rot in hell and I can only hope that an inmate with a lot of time and a daughter he loves will beat this filth till his bones brittle and break!!!!

  138. JetRanger said:

    Thank Ya, I hear Ya ~!!! Cliff, same here, !! Have a look at my YOU TUBE Video too,,,

    • cliff jordan said:

      Yes I seen it and all I can say is thanks for all your hard work and genorosity!!!
      Have a wonderful weekend!!

  139. cliff jordan said:

    Justice For Debbie!!!

  140. cliff jordan said:

    You are not forgotten!!!! (Justice for Debbie!!!)

  141. I read all the stories and my heart goes out to her family! She seemed to work hard to get where she was at and had some piece of human garbage take it all away! I will never know why women get involved with trash like that! such a waste.. rest in peace!

  142. cliff jordan said:

    It’s important that we keep the support ongoing so the son of a bitch who did this will never have the comfort of thinking that the rally for justice has retreated.

  143. cliff jordan said:

    Justice for debbie

  144. cliff jordan said:

    we love you!!!

  145. Cliff Jordan said:


  146. cliff jordan said:

    Next stop justice!!!

  147. cliff jordan said:

    We love you debbie!!!!

  148. Cliff Jordan said:


  149. C Jordan said:

    We go stay with ya!!

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  151. cliff jordan said:

    Merry Christmas!!!

  152. You will never be forgotten!!

  153. There is certainly a lot to find out about this subject. I really like all of the points you have made.

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